- In what ways has this course helped you to develop your own technology skills as a professional teacher?
Throughout this course, I learned technology skills that I can use with my preschoolers. I did not think that I could use the computer to enhance my students' learning in so many ways. I learned how to set up a blog, wiki, and a podcast in this course. This course showed me how to enhance my essons wit technology so that my students will be ready for this technology based world. I have never used a way of technology to communicate with my parents but this school year I am going to try it with my parents to see how it works along with my weekly newsletter. This will be a good way for my parents to communicate with me and each other. It is also a good way to display students' work for parents to see that never come out to the school for conferences.
- In what ways have you deepened your knowledge of the teaching and learning process?
I learned that every student is different and they learn in different ways. It is my job to make sure that I am meeting the needs of all my students. Using technology can make learning fun for them and it gives them a hands-on learning experience. Since they can play those video games at home and win at them, with me using technology in the classroom along with the standards they will also win.
- In what ways have you changed your perspective from being teacher-centered to learner-centered?
I have learned it is all about my students and their learning needs. I need to use technology with my lessons to give them more hands-on learning experiences. We need to talk more and share so that students will know how to socialize with each other respectfully. I work a lot with my students in groups since there are 2 of us in the classroom. It is important that I go on the learner's needs versus what I feel they need to know. They need to lead and I will guide them in the right direction.
- In what ways can you continue to expand your knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading with technology with the aim of increasing student achievement?
I believe the best way to continue and expand my knowledge is to stay up to date on teh most recent technology that is out there. I will need to do research to see what is out there and hwo others are using it in their classrooms. I need to use technology more in my classroom with my preschoolers on a daily basis to help them achieve their goals. Sharing with my co-workers on what they are doing and how it is working is alos a good way to expand my knowledge. Another way is to ask the adminstration to set up staff developments of the lastest technology and how to use it.
- Set two goals (within two years) for transforming your classroom enivornment by which you may have to overcome institutional or systemic obstacles in order to achieve them. How do you plan to accomplish these goals?
My first goal is to set up a blog for my classroom. I want parents to be able to communicate with me and others when they need to. I want things to be more involved in their child's education so whatever I can do to make it easier I want to do. A lot of my parents do not have transportation to come to conferences so I can display what their child is doing in the classroom. My second goal is to implement virtual field trips for my students. It usually cost my students a lot to go on field trips because we have to buy the diesel, pay the bus driver, and their admission to get in. This will be a great way to go on field trips that students can enjoy in a safe and warm environment.
- Refer to your checklist for Week 1 has any of your answers changed after completing this course?
When I looked back at the checklist, I found that my results have changed since I took it during week 1. Most of my answers were rarely because I was not aware of the different things I could do with technology with my preschoolers. I am going to allow my students to share more and I am going to collaborate with my students.
In conclusion, this class has taught me a lot of new information that I am going to incorporate in my classroom. My professor and peers have shared a lot of ideas that has been helpful. My classroom is going to be learner-based so I can better meet the needs of my students.