Friday, May 14, 2010

What purpose would the blog serve?
Since I teach Pre-K, my blog site would be geared towards my parents. I could use it to put my weekly newsletters and upcoming events. I could also display students’ work for the parents to see. SHARP students for the week can also be displayed on the site. Parents could ask questions and make comments to me other to other parents since everyone’s schedule is tight these days.

Is it a place for students to interact?
I teach Pre-K so I do not see this as a place for my students to interact with each other. The parents and child could look at the blog together and the child may want to say something and the parent could type what their child says on the blog.

Is it a showcase for their work?
I could display my students work on the blog site. I would display my students work with the parent consent. Each week I will choose several students work to show off. The students will be excited to see their work displayed on the blog. The parent and child will be overjoyed to see their child’s work.

How does using a blog enhance the lesson?
On the blog, I could suggest ways parents could help their child in mastering the standards we are working on each week. Parents could post what work for them and what did not work for them to get parents involved in their child’s education.

How the blog can enhance the lesson?
A blog could help enhance a lesson by informing the parents on what we did in class and they could review with their child what we did in class. I could put simple activities for the parents to do with their child and parents can respond to how the activity went and where or not it was successful.


  1. It is a good idea for parents being able to have some form of technological communication with their children. You came up with some good ideas. Having the parent and child work together sounds wonderful! Maybe you could post various pictures of specific areas or things from your classroom on a blog. I am sure the children would be so excited to share with their parent special places in their classroom.


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  3. I think having the school to home connection using technology is great. You could post the websites you are using in your classroom and encourage parents to visit them. The families can continue to use what they are doing in the classroom at home. What a great idea to showcase the students' work as well.

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