The information that stood out to me was about play. It talked about the importance of play at home and school. It gave three ways that parents should play with their children. One is to find time to play with your children as an individual. It shows that each of your children are unique. Allow the child to decide what they want to play. The next one is to play as a whole family. Allow your children teach you things and do not be shy about it. The last one is child play for those children that are having behavior problems. Play therapy help children work through their problems. It also talked about using exercise as a play time also.
The article made me see play as a major part of a child's life. Children should have time to play alone and with others. Play as therapy really stood out to me. I am going to tell my parents about play therapy because I see it working with children in early childhood.
State and local leaders can help with the funding of early childhood education. They are needed as a voice in funding for early childhood education. The site has ways you can donate to help with the issues and trends that are current. The site also had a representative that attended the speech President Obama gave on education. You can read the article on the website.
There is a conference for Head Start. It is for people involved in early childhood education. The conference talks about issues pertaining to early childhood today.