Saturday, August 18, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope that I have about working with children and their families is that I will make them feel loved and respected when they walk into my classroom. I want everyone who walks through my door to feel important and to know that I am there for them and their child. I want them to know that our differences is what makes us unique. We all have something that we can learn and appreciate about each other.

One goal that I have for the field of early childhood is that we treat children and their families the way we want to be treated. It is important to know that we all have our roles to play in society. When children see that we are treating people differently because of their culture they are going to start doing the same thing. This is a cycle that needs to be stopped for good. It is important as educators to display a positive behavior because children first learn from their parents and then we fall next in line.

I would like to say a special thanks to my professor and colleagues for all of posts and comments that assisted me in my learning in this course. With your help, I learned a lot of information that will help me with my future endeavors. May your futures be filled with much love and respect. Know that we are all unique and deserve our spotlight in this diverse world.



  1. Chastity,
    I enjoyed reading your posts as well as learning from you throughout this course. I believe your goal is similar to mine when we talk about a world where children can live, learn and play together without discrimination or any type of micro-aggression. I agree children learn from their parents/guardians first and we are next in line to fill their minds with new and positive insights. That’s why I think our jobs are very important in the field of education. I wish you the best on your educational journey!

  2. I agree with you whole heartily that children need to feel love and respected when they walk into a classroom. They need to know and feel like they belong. If we can teach the children in our care to accept one another despite our differences this is us making a change for the good one small step at a time. I wish you luck in professional and educational journey.
