Friday, July 30, 2010

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is needed in every classroom. In some shape or form we all do cooperative learning in our classroom maybe not the way we learned this week. Students learn a lot of information when they work with their peers even in the early years of school. When they learn to cooperatively work together in the younger grades the easy it is for them in the upper grades.

Technology plays a major role in cooperative learning. It is amazing how much technology has advance and how things can be easy accessible. With little assistance my preschoolers can work in groups using technology. One way we work in groups using technology is playing educational games that deals with the standards. I will pair the students in groups of twos and they work on the game together on the computer. They enjoy it and they feel they are big boys and girls.

One cooperative learning technique that I would love to try with my students as a whole is keypals. I would love for my students to see other 4 year olds in different places and cultures. It would be a great experience for them to be friends with children their age from across the world.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Constructivism Practice

The main force of constructivism is that it is student-centered. The teacher is only the person who see over the project. The six tasks that are for generating and testing hypotheses would work for all students of different ages. With the smaller children, you would just have to do a lot of modeling for them. Technology would play a major role with the constructivism theory.

In the Pre-K classroom, we do a lot of predicting I just need to pair it up with technology to make it more hands on for my students. Constructivism will be good in a Pre-K classroom because the students would learn a lot and they would be exposed to a lot of real life situations. I would just have to do a lot of modeling to prepare them to work on their own but they will gain so much knowledge that they will benefit from in the upper grades.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cognitive Learning Theory

The cognitive learning theory consist of a 3 stage model: sensory input, short-term memory, and long-term memory. The 3 stage model helps students apply knowledge and retain information. When you connect prior knowledge to what you want them to learn then they are able to make a connection and grasp the new learning. The strategy that stood out to me was the Inspiration software. The software would be developmentally appropriate for my 4 year olds since they can not take notes at that age. This will assist them with the questioning technique to help promote critical thinking skills.

My school district uses EDI and with EDI you state the objective in kid friendly language. During the lesson, you tell how, why, and what they will use this learning objective for in the future. This is a good way to make connection to the real-world. The use of technology allows me to meet each student learning style.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Behavorism in Practice

Behaviorism plays a role in the classroom still today. We may use other theories with it but behaviorism is needed in the classroom so that instruction can take place in a safe enivornment. The website that I tried out was I found this website developmentally appropriate for my PreKindergarten students. The website was very entertaining and appealing to me so I know that my students would love it. I like the way it reinforced the questions that you get wrong. It encourages the child to choose the right answer. The website ties into the behaviorism because it focuses on drill and practice. It also has a tutorial assistance.

I enjoyed learning about the different types of achievement spreadsheets. I would have to modify and adjust them so they will work with my students. I would use their symbol that they use to go to centers and where they hang their book bag. I thought about using different color stars to show their progress. I also thought about using it on my classroom blog to show parents how their child is doing. The achievement spreadsheets work with behaviorism because it shows their rewards.

In the behaviorist theory, homework places an important role because it reinforces what you did in class that day. It gives the student more practice and to see if they really understand it. When they come back and you go over the homework together it will let you know if you need to practice that skill more with your students or with a particular student. To do that, you could have a drill and practice skill on the computer that will reinforce the skill in a fun way.

This week gave me a lot of information that I could use in my classroom with reinforcement and sites I could use in my classroom with drill and practice on basic skills.