Thursday, July 8, 2010

Behavorism in Practice

Behaviorism plays a role in the classroom still today. We may use other theories with it but behaviorism is needed in the classroom so that instruction can take place in a safe enivornment. The website that I tried out was I found this website developmentally appropriate for my PreKindergarten students. The website was very entertaining and appealing to me so I know that my students would love it. I like the way it reinforced the questions that you get wrong. It encourages the child to choose the right answer. The website ties into the behaviorism because it focuses on drill and practice. It also has a tutorial assistance.

I enjoyed learning about the different types of achievement spreadsheets. I would have to modify and adjust them so they will work with my students. I would use their symbol that they use to go to centers and where they hang their book bag. I thought about using different color stars to show their progress. I also thought about using it on my classroom blog to show parents how their child is doing. The achievement spreadsheets work with behaviorism because it shows their rewards.

In the behaviorist theory, homework places an important role because it reinforces what you did in class that day. It gives the student more practice and to see if they really understand it. When they come back and you go over the homework together it will let you know if you need to practice that skill more with your students or with a particular student. To do that, you could have a drill and practice skill on the computer that will reinforce the skill in a fun way.

This week gave me a lot of information that I could use in my classroom with reinforcement and sites I could use in my classroom with drill and practice on basic skills.


  1. Chastity,

    I would imagine as a PreK teacher that the behaviorist theory but be very beneficial to you methods of teaching. I think the achievement spreadsheet is a great idea to keep records of their progress so that parents are kept in the loop of how their child is working in school.

    I teach 9th grade health and PE so our day in the classroom is much different. Do you have tutorials that PreK students already use? If so, what types of skills do they teach and reinforce?


  2. No I do not have tutorials that my students can use. I am hoping from this class that I can get some that will help me to reinforce the basic skills they need.

  3. Chastity,

    I really like how you took the spreadsheet activity and modified it for your grade level. I think symbols and stickers would be a really effective way to implement this strategy with your Pre-K students. I often look for ways to modify/simplify strategies for my second graders as well.

  4. Chastity,
    The blog looks great keep up the good work. I enjoyed reading about your ideas for the achievement spreadsheet. I was wondering if the parents are able to see the achievement stars on the blog site or is it just in the class room. I believe you have the right idea using these techniques at such an early age, I know you will help prepare them for later years. I love when teachers provide the right kind of feedback in their earlier years to get them ready for when they reach the high school levels in my classroom. No one realizes you are the one helping make their lives easier in high school level.
